
Programer . Thinker . Creativity freak!

Jai Shri Ram Bhasa

Jai Shri Ram Bhasa

Created: January, 2024

Ram programming language

css html python

Emoji Search

Emoji Search

Created: April, 2021

This is a simple emoji search app built using React.

react git javascript html css vercel

Match Toon

Match Toon

Created: March, 2021

This is a simple memory game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

javascript html css heroku

Landing Page

Landing Page

Created: February, 2021

A easy bank landing page created using html css

html css vercel

Pricing Page

Pricing Page

Created: February, 2021

A pricing page created using html css

html css vercel

Bootstrap Page

Bootstrap Page

Created: January, 2021

This is a simple landing page built using Bootstrap.

bootstrap html css vercel

Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration

Created: November, 2020

This is a simple landing page built using Bootstrap.

django html css javascript netlify

Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja

Created: June, 2020

Fruit Ninja Using PoseNet Library and TensorFlow.js

css html javascript netlify tensorflow

Old Portfolio

Old Portfolio

Created: December, 2019

Old Portfolio build using cactus static site for django

css html django netlify

Amarnath Yatra C

Amarnath Yatra C

Created: June, 2017

A travel confirmation system make with ❤️ using C language
